The 3 Steps Jordan Yeoh Does in Body Building

12:44 10 Comments

Anyone of  you think Jordan Yeoh has this perfect body since he was born? Guess what, he was a boy with no 6 packs, and a very bloated tummy too. These are the 3 steps that Jordan is still practicing to gain his 6-pack abs.

1. Exercise

Exercise is always the key! You wouldn’t earn the perfect body if you are not willing to do any workout. Recommend you to consult coach or friend who knows body building to train you. If you did the exercise in a wrong way, you might hurt yourself.

2. Regulate Eating Habit

Jordan has no clue on healthy eating habit when he started few years ago. However, leaning is never late. You can search information online or ask someone who knows. If you truly don’t know how to create your own healthy recipe, then just follow the recipe you found!

3. Protein Intake

If you are following Jordan’s Facebook page, you must have noticed he is drinking protein shake to help in body building. This is because our body need protein to build muscle. Although we can find a lot of food which are rich in protein, that is still insufficient. Thus, recommend you to try Mucle Factort’s supplement. Other than getting the right product, Muscle Factory will help to custom made a plan for your muscle building journey and follow-up with you! 

More details, check it at Muscle Factory’s Facebook.


他就做了这三个步骤 - 榴莲王 Jordan Yeoh 的锐变

12:39 0 Comments

自从小编自己也开始在减肥瘦身时,小编也开始会关注一些成功瘦身或是分享健身的名人传记。今天小编要分享的,就是近期火爆的榴莲王,Jordan Yeoh是如何在这七年从满身肥肉变成现在的六块腹肌。

1. 运动健身
毋庸置疑的,运动肯定是逃不了的事情。想要变得强壮,怎么不愿付出?No Pain, No Gain~好身材不会因为你想上天祈求,明天早上起来就会有的。至于什么运动,就必须请教专人。建议有意塑身的朋友们开始时先咨询健身教练,或是有做过健身的朋友。做错了,不瘦反肥,还可能弄伤自己。

2. 调节饮食习惯

3. 摄取蛋白质
如果你有关注Jordan的面子书,你不难发现他都有在喝protein shake来帮助塑身。这是因为我们身体都需要蛋白质来制造肌肉。虽说我们吃的东西可以找到蛋白质,但是不太足够,而且你要吃多少才能够补充?所以介绍Jordan自己都推荐的Muscle Factory的产品。而且还有专人为你量身订造专属你的产品并且一致follow-up。详情查看Muscle Factory面子书


How To Lose Fat And Gain Weight At The Same Time

10:25 15 Comments

Guess you are one of the many who are in the weight loss journey or body building. Even you are not, guess you are interested in knowing how to build muscle when losing body fat. Why is it important to build muscle? Because muscle helps to burn fat! However, if you do not understand them, you might actually losing your muscle and gaining fat. And hence, you must know the correct way.

Step 1: Regulate Eating Habit
Want to lose few pounds? The most basic way is to regulate your eating habit. Do not always eat fried and oily food. Our body need to take a very long time to dissolve the oil. If you always eat that, it could’t excrete more than you eat. Then, the excess fat will stay inside your body and eventually you become fat!

Step 2: Exercise and Detox Your Body
After regulating your eating habit, you should do exercise! You are not necessary go to gym or fitness center. You can exercise at home. Recommend to do aerobic exercise and cardio exercise. You can search it through internet. Exercise 20 minutes everyday, you will lose weight. If you would like to boost result, let’s detox your body. You can try Freschcode 7-Day Detox Program. You don’t have to drink in a long term. Maybe once in a month, you can easily lose 2-3kg in one week. Of course, you still need to do exercise or go sauna for 20 minutes during the detox progress.

More details, click here

Step 3: Protein Intake
The first and second steps teach you how to reduce fats and detox. The third step is showing you how to gain muscle. As we know, muscle is built by protein. Apart from exercise, you must eat protein to gain more muscle. A lot of people will think of eating egg white. However, how many egg white you have to consume in order to gain sufficient protein? Guess that you know some protein supplements. Introduce you a brand that our Durian King, Jordan Yeoh recommended, Muscle Factory. Although Jordan is a guy, it doesn’t mean girls can’t consume this supplement. You can consult their consultant in order to customise a suitable plan for you. 

More details, click here



10:22 0 Comments




更多详情,点击查看这里 More details, click here

前两步说明了要如何消脂排毒,这一步就是教你如何增加肌肉!大家都知道,肌肉由蛋白质制造出来的。除了运动能够增强肌肉之外,要增长肌肉,你务必吃下更多蛋白质。很多人会想到吃蛋白。但是,你到底要吃多少才能够获取相当的蛋白质?相信大家对辅助品不陌生吧。介绍你Muscle Factory的蛋白质粉,这牌子品质很不错,就留我们的durian king,Jordan Yeoh都推荐的。虽说Jordan是男生,而且拥有六块腹肌,但女生也可以喝这类辅助品来增加肌肉哦。至于要如何喝,每个人的塑身要求不定,所以建议你向Muscle Factory咨询哦。

更多详情,点击查看这里 More details, click here


5 Steps to Become Durian King II

19:02 1 Comments

It is time for Durian Festival again! When everyone is enjoying the delicious Musang King, guess everyone is paying attention to a handsome too! Yes! He is our brand ambassador - Jordan Yeoh! If you wish to be the Durian King II, here are tips you can practice:

1. Understand Calories Intake

Do you know your daily calories intake? Do you know how much calories your body need everyday? A lot of people think they should take as less as they can in order to gain muscle. However, this is totally wrong! If your body doesn’t have sufficient calories intake, your body couldn’t build muscle!

2. More Meals with Less Portion

Other than understanding calories intake, you should eat more meals than the normal meals. In general, you should take 6 meals a day, however, every meal should only in small portion. It helps your body to maintain in better condition, meanwhile, will not feel hungry and eat more in either one meal. For example: Breakfast at 7am >> Morning Tea at 10am >> Lunch at 12pm >> Tea at 3pm >> Night at 7pm >> Supper at 10pm

3. Exercise

If you think you can build a perfect 6 packs with regular meals only, then you are wrong again! The key to success is having sufficient exercise! Guess you know “No pain, no gain!”. If you can’t put effort to do exercise, the 6 packs will now grow itself. Remember to spend some time to exercise, maximum 45 minutes. 

4. Protein Supplement

If you want to boost the body building result, recommend you to consume protein. Protein is the main element to build muscle. If you want to be Durian King II, why don’t you try Muscle Factory’s protein supplement. It is highly recommended by Jordan himself. More details, check it here!

5. Sufficient Sleep and Rest

Of course, to have a healthy and 6-pack body, you need to have sufficient sleep ad rest. Your metabolism rate will slow down if you do not have quality sleep. Besides, it will inhibit the hormones which help in body building. So, if you don’t get enough rest, your plan to be Durian King II will be delayed. Soon, you will not continue when you can’t see any result!


5招让你成为Durian King第二代!

13:39 0 Comments

最近榴莲旺季,大家在享尽猫山王的美味时,也不忘记看帅哥吧~如果你也想要塑造像durian king,Jordan Yeoh那样的身材,不妨参考以下5招:

1. 了解卡路里的摄取

2. 少吃多餐

3. 充分的运动

4. 补给蛋白质
如果想要加快练出好身材的进度,建议你可以给身体补多些蛋白质。要知道蛋白质是建塑肌肉的要素。既然你想要变成durian king,不妨试试Jordan自己推荐兼代言的Muscle Factory餐补吧。至于要如何吃,你可要询问咯。关于Muscle Factory详情,请点这里

5. 足够的睡眠与休息
当然,最后也少不了充分睡眠与休息。如果身体的休息不够,身体的代谢就会缓慢。此外,不足够的睡眠也会让身体建造肌肉的荷尔蒙不工作。这样的话,你想变成durian king的计划就会被拖延。你看不到效果就会想放弃了。那么,你做的所有东西都功亏啦~